The plane ride went really great. Cole was a champ and said WOW a million times. He really wanted to stay on Zoe's lap most of the ride. He slept for a couple of hours out of the 3 and a half hour flight. Zoe loved it and only slept about 20 minutes! Cole was amazed by the traffic of L.A. We didn't get to our room until about 2:30 CA time (which is 4:30 MO time, Dad). They were so cute the entire trip. We went to eat at a neat little place off the beach and had fish tacos (sounds gross, but they were delicious). We could see the beach from the upstairs patio. I have pics but they took a long time to load so I'll have to show you later.
We walked down to look at the ocean. Cole hated the sand on his feet and didn't really care for the water sneaking up on him. Zoe liked it and has already collected a lot of seashells.

She keeps collecting candy, seashells, and other little items for Charity and Blake. I think it's sweet that she constantly thinks of them!

Cole is resting then we plan to go to Disneyland! We're having so much fun!
How fun!!!! Yay!!! I'm so glad you're blogging while you're away! I told you mom I really hoped you'd do it, but didn't dream you'd find the time. It looks like you guys are having a GREAT time! What a wonderful vacation! I can't wait to hear and see more!